For collinear collision, the preceding collision velocity and post collision velocity are calculated on the basis of the slippage distance and unreturnable distortion of collision vehicle; 对于一维碰撞,根据碰撞后车辆的滑移距离和车辆的塑性变形量,反推计算出车辆碰撞后的速度和碰撞前的接触速度;
The energy dissipation in no-collinear collision with friction and slip reversal is discussed in detail. 讨论了有摩擦且滑动反向(即速度方向突变)的刚体偏心碰撞中的能量损失问题。
Application of Dynamical Lie Algebraic Method Combining Intermediate Picture to Energy Transfer in A+ BC Collinear Collision A+BC共线碰撞能量传递的动力学李代数结合中间绘景研究